WY 211 & Enroll Wyoming

Wyoming 211

About 211

Wyoming 211 provides every person in communities across the state with a place to turn when they need answers to life’s challenges, big or small. 211 is a free, anonymous, helpline offering listening support, information and referral.

211's professional, trained staff connects people in need with nearly 2,800 programs and services that are available to help them. Bilingual staff and telephone interpreter services make sure that callers can talk with us in the language of their choice.

When Is Wyoming 211 Available?

211 is available Monday – Thursday 8AM to 6PM, and Friday 8AM to 5PM. Callers outside standard business hours will receive a follow-up call the next business day.

Service is available statewide by dialing 211 or 888-425-7138 during normal business hours and online anytime at wyoming211.org.


Enroll Wyoming

Enroll Wyoming is a FREE resource to help you navigate the ins and outs of the health insurance marketplace.

A health insurance plan with savings based on your income. Most people who apply qualify for premium tax credits that lower the costs of coverage. Some also qualify for savings on deductibles, copayments and other costs.

A big advantage of Marketplace health insurance plans is that they are priced lower than the exact same plans on the private market. There is no added cost if someone has a pre-existing condition. Marketplace plans all include 10 essential health benefits. 

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